Westcon’s expert concrete septic tank installers in Edmonton and Calgary can help you determine the appropriate concrete septic tank for your residential needs.
Each house requires one individual septic tank, however, Westcon’s concrete septic tanks are suitable for residential houses that cannot fit full sized concrete septic tanks. The size of a septic tank each house needs is determined based off of the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
Our Certified Installers are familiar with the Private Sewage Standards that determine design standards, installation standards and material requirements for private sewage systems that hold less than 5,500 imperial gallons of sewage volume per day.
Before we install any septic tank, we perform inspections and percolation tests to ensure that the soil is porous enough for excess water to drain properly.
Pro-Flo Calculator
Westcon’s custom Pro-Flo Calculator can help you determine the appropriate concrete septic tank for your residential needs.